PHYSICS 295--Winter 2009
Introduction to Department Research
Tuesdays, 2:10 to 4:00 p.m., Room 416 Physics/Geology
CRN xxxxx
Instructor: Professor Warren
Pickett, Department of Physics, 215 Physics/Geology
Boldface indicates confirmation.
Jan. 6
Fadley, Yu, Zieve, Curro
(Condensed matter experiment)
Jan. 13
Lubin, Becker, Fassnacht
(Observational cosmology, experimental astrophysics)
Jan. 20
Svoboda, Chertok, Pellett
(High energy experiment)
Jan. 27
Gunion, Luty, Cheng, Terning
(High energy theory)
Feb. 3
Wittman, Tyson, Albrecht, Knox
(Cosmology experiment & theory)
Feb. 10
Liu, Radousky, Savrasov, Zimanyi
(Condensed Matter)
Feb. 17
Scalettar, Fong, Pickett
(Condensed matter theory)
Feb. 24
Richter, Kiskis (3:30)
(AST experiment, Q gravity, COS theory, particle theory)
Mar. 3 Kaloper, Carlip,
Rundle, Crutchfield (3:30)
(Cosmology, Q gravity, physics of complexity)
Mar. 10
Calderon, Cebra,
Conway, Erbacher
(Nuclear experiment, particle experiment)
To schedule: Richter (after 2/7), Ferenc, Webb, Cox, Singh,
Kaloper (March), Carlip (not 1/13, 2/24).
Not presenting: Corruccini, Tripathi, Zhu, Chiang, Boeshaar, Coleman.
Yet to confirm: Pines, Vogt, McElfresh.