Single Spin Superconductivity
by Robert Rudd and Warren Pickett
(Poster presented at the 1997 Conference on Spectroscopies in Novel Superconductors)
The Josephson Effect provides a primary signature of single spin superconductivity (SSS), the as yet unobserved superconducting state which was proposed recently as a low temperature phase of half-metallic antiferromagnets. These materials are insulating in the spin-down channel but are metallic in the spin-up channel. The SSS state is characterized by a unique form of p-wave pairing within a single spin channel. We develop the theory of a rich variety of Josephson effects that arise due to the form of the SSS order parameter. Tunneling is allowed at a SSS-SSS' junction but of course depends on the relative orientation of their order parameters. No current flows between an SSS and an s-wave BCS system due to their orthogonal symmetries, which potentially can be used to distinguish SSS from other superconducting states. Single spin superconductors also offer a means to probe other materials, where tunneling is a litmus test for any form of ``triplet'' order parameter.
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